Yisrayl Hawkins

Yisrayl Hawkins (born Buffalo Bill Hawkins) is the founder of the House of Yahweh (Abilene), known for predicting that nuclear war would start on September 12, 2006. The House of Yahweh (HoY), a non-profit religious organization, believes it follows the one true faith as revealed by the Creator from the beginning and was re-established again in what they believe are the prophesied end times. Hawkins claims to be descended from Jewish immigrants who fled persecution in Europe.



In 1974, his brother, J. G. (Yaaqob) Hawkins, returned from a seven year visit to Israel claiming he had "found proof of Yahweh's name". Shortly after, he formed the "first House of Yahweh" in Odessa, Texas. He preached distinct doctrines that his brother agreed with, such as the necessity of referring to the Creator as Yahweh and the Messiah as Yahshua, as well as following the Torah and the Jewish festivals.

In 1980, Bill legally changed his first name to Yisrayl, and began The House of Yahweh Abilene at his home. Hawkins says he and his brother were prophesied in both the Old and New Testaments as the Two Witnesses, sent by Yahweh to prepare the world for the Second Coming of Yahshua the Messiah.

Writings & beliefs

Hawkins has written numerous books concerning Yahweh's Laws and Prophecies. Some are The Mark of the Beast Vol. 1 & 2, The Lost Faith of the Apostles and Prophets, Deception, Devil Worship: The Shocking Facts!, Unveiling Satan!, The End, In Search of a Savior, There Is Someone Out There, The Two Witnesses, and The Peaceful Solution. Hawkins was the primary editor of The Book of Yahweh: The Holy Scriptures, now in its 10th edition, which is the House of Yahweh's translation of the Bible. With its use of the name Yahweh throughout the New Testament, it fits into the category of Sacred name Bibles.

Among other things, Hawkins has promoted the building of the third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, but in a location that would not damage or intrude upon the Dome of the Rock, one of Islam's holiest sites. Hawkins explained his view of Ezekiel's Temple Prophecies in the thirteen page brochure A Peaceful Solution To Building The Next Temple In Yerusalem, published in 1989. Detailing the Temple's construction from measurements found in the Bible. In the brochure, Hawkins also briefly discusses a prophesied division of Jerusalem.

Predictions of nuclear war

Starting September 12, 2006

Hawkins announced in the House of Yahweh's February 2006 newsletter that nuclear war would start September 12, 2006.[1] He claimed it is a part of the HoY's commission to warn the nations and the people of the world. He was interviewed on the Channel 4 web show thisisaknife about his apocalyptic predictions. Among other things, he claimed that Abilene, Texas would be saved from the impending destruction and invited the show's presenter to join him there so he would be safe.

Starting June 12, 2007

Later, Hawkins amended his prediction to state that a nuclear war was only conceived on September 12, 2006, and that it would follow the natural birth cycle of a woman, finally being "born" nine months later on June 12, 2007. On May 7, 2007 a new counter was put up on his website, counting down to the June 12 date when supposedly, the "Nuclear Baby" (conceived September 12) would be born.

Whether the entire nuclear event was to take place on that date, or in the months leading up to was never made clear. He also stated that by four months after June 12, October 13, 2007, four-fifths or 80% of the human race would be dead from nuclear war.

Starting June 12, 2008

Most recently, he has stated the nuclear war would begin on Thursday June 12, 2008. Since the passing of this date without incident, Hawkins has yet to predict another date for a nuclear war.[2]

Legal issues

In May 2008 Hawkins was charged with bigamy. It was alleged that he has 30 wives.[3] In October 2009, all 4 counts of bigamy charges were dropped.[4]

See also

External links
